Thursday, May 13, 2010


So, the last few posts have been about authenticity and then I started thinking about inauthenticity. There seems to be a perception that because we live in a society where things are mass produced, inauthenticity is everywhere but an artists or designer still has to make the initial sketches or molds and people still have to operate the machinery etc. Why doesn't their labor and input "count"? Anyway, I was thinking about this while talking to one of my friends and the subject of color-by-number paintings came up so I decided to do one. When I got to the crafts store, the kits were a little pricey for just a fleeting thought so I got this pastel kit instead. The kit came with five pastels and an image lightly printed on pastel paper which one is instructed to draw over. I chose this picture of cheetahs because even the cheetahs don't appear authentically interested in one another. Then, there's an extra piece of paper in the kit. I used it to sketch the view out my studio window.

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