Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So, after I made the word "tree," I started thinking about making some kind of a story where the words could all be treated in the same, or similar way. Specifically, I thought about Nina Laden and the way she treats the text in The Night I Followed the Dog
Then, I tried to come up with a fairly short, concrete story involving a tree. (It just ended up rhyming, that wasn't my intention.) Anyway, it's pretty silly but I may use it as an experiment with the letter forms.

Sock monkey
In a tree
Paul Bunion
By the Sea
Sees the Tree
And rapidly
Runs to the tree
Sock Monkey
Tries to Flee
Paul Bunion
Sees Sock Monkey
And starts to think
About the tree
It's more than just some sticks and Leaves
It is a home for sock monkeys
So Paul Bunion drops his axe
Sock Monkey can now relax
They become the best of friends
And that is where our story ends

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